
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Middle Bit

Middle bit is getting old.... and tall... and I look up to him... and remember I. AM. TALL. Oh my!

We all went to see Spiderman - even me, and .. I liked it.
But it made me old... cuz my kid got old... 
(he is third from the left)

And of course, it is fair time for him as well - 
so he is busy quilting away.

The flag in the background was flown in a plane over Iraq 

Very intense work.

Relaxing in the evening. 
I now have two cameras ..
and I now have to figure out how to keep my photos straight
It is sort of hurting my brain, and as I was organizing them
I found a few I forgot I had taken...

Have a great day
Hug your loved ones! 


  1. The little ones grow up so fast.... I remember the winter my son grew a half inch per month... and now my eldest grandson has just passed me... and I used to be tall! *lol*

  2. Oh...the sunset with family (even the 4-legged ones) is amazing. Like a picture-postcard :)

  3. They do grow up so fast. Mine has passed me in height yet, but she's getting there.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I am the short one. Have to stand back to look my Grandsons in the eye!

    Great pics!


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