
Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Day at the Fair

It is the Weld County Fair time... and this year we all entered a few things to test our luck!!
We spent a day  ( evening) perusing the fair, and seeing all sorts of great things!!

These are in no particular order - I just took pics with my phone, and some of them were okay. 

This is one of my quilts - Denise and I collaborated on it and we got Judges Choice.

I decided to try my hand at photography - this is a landscape Black and white...

This one went in the Misc. Category. I found this really cool blue frame and thought it looked good with the water ;-)

Wrangler Man entered a bunch of veges, This one won the largest Zuchini. Me, I kill plants.

My boy and his dog - in the portrait category. Boy was that a cool category. I should have taken pics of the other pics - amazing what people can do!!! ( We took 5th place)

Little bit entered his quilt. He entered in the open class judging, rather that thru 4H. He didn't want to do a record book, and I sort of thought that was smart - since he had 2 record books to do already.  he won the blue and purple ribbon below.

We checked out a ton of animals - this chicken - totally made me laugh, and he talked, and he followed you, and he was hilarious!!1

Middle bit entered his quilt through 4H, he was braver, and did a wonderful record book. Even had to keep track of all of his expenses. Shew - we don't want that to fall into the wrong hands ( dads!!)

So - umm, apparently there is a correct way to shoot thru an iphone? Wrangler Mans Spaghetti Squash.  We LOVE these - they are so yummy!!!

Lambs with an identity crisis ;-)   All these lambs get washed and then they put these blankets on them to keep them clean. They were fun - bright colors, camo colors and these ;-)

Someone spent a lot of time making this Vege Octopus . We LOVED it!! Congrats to whoever made it!!

We moved on to the pig barn. Little bit really wants to raise a pig for fair next year, so we had to go check them out...They get a little large...

And Lazy.....

Oh - here is another of my photos - 4th place for the puppy ;-)

Check out these scarecrows - are they not cool? again - not by us - but so fun to see.

It was pretty fun to go visit. There were a lot of wonderful quilts, and 4H displays and Cakes... yum ! The cakes and the decoration was so adorable. If you all have a chance - get to your fair!!


  1. I love the small county fairs!

  2. Congrats on all the ribbons! Looks like a very fun day!

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  4. Congratulations to the entire family on all those ribbons! Looks like a fun fair to attend...

  5. Congratulations to everyone's ribbons and awards!

    County Fair is next week here. I am ready to see all the exhibits, especially the quilts.

  6. Good job. I went to our local fair this year for the first time. (We are new here.) There was no home show at all! Horrifying.

  7. Congrats on all the ribbons! I love country fairs!

  8. Way to go on all of the ribbons! I never thought to enter photos into the fair... I am going to have to remember that!

  9. Pat R.6:43 PM

    The Carmin family did great at the fair...contratulations!!! We didn't go out to the El Paso County fair....I was WAY too busy working on these quilts for the fire victims....maybe next year, tho.

  10. Woohooo---way to bring in the loot!
    And out of allllllll of those entries, the picture of you son swimming is still 100% my favorite. Amazing shot.


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