
Thursday, June 21, 2012


Shew - another fun filled day!!! Today at VBS we made kites - I LOVE kites and they were so much fun. All of my boys made them too - we were so excited to come home and fly them!! And I forgot to take pictures.

We also had a graduation party to attend. Who is allowing these children to grow up? Did they not get my memo that they must remain kindergarteners FOR. EVER.?   Sheesh!!

In between the two - Wrangler Man came Home!!! YAY - he had been up at Beaver Creek for the week - and we missed him... especially in the morning - during chore time!

Oh yes - In between the two events I got a little sewing done. We are doing one of those Row Robin things at our guild - so I worked on the row of one of my group members quilts.

I think that I am going to make a dresden plate type flower to go on my row, and maybe add a little bird - we will see how that goes....

The picture below - the blue part is the row that is the starter row... 
(gosh I hope that makes sense!)

The other things up on my design wall are the starting blocks of a wildlife themed quilt, and a pretty flower piece - I just like it and want to make something with it.... so.... ideas???


  1. I LOVE the birds! Is that a piece of fabric or something you created?

  2. Slow down Girl! I can't keep up with you! :) We're kite fliers too! I love that first row and I like your idea of a dresden plate. Can't wait to see where your wildlife quilt takes you - that would fit right in around here. Seeing your floral fabric made me think of the kaleidoscope quilts. I think they are 'stack and whack' quilts, but I'm not sure.


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