
Saturday, May 26, 2012


Oh boy, am I having fun so far this weekend!!  We have a ton of stuff to do outside, and that's cool - but the weather man said there was going to be gusting winds of up to 70 mph.... and we don't like that!!  Usually we all come inside and grumble.... but NOT. THIS . TIME!!!

I was prepared!!

Way back in 2011 - my ironing board had an unfortunate incident with someone who leaned on it way to hard.... and they bent it. But being handy, they just took a metal rod, and re-bent the board, and duct taped it.... and it worked O.K. , until you needed to put pressure on it. But I survived.

Then in January or February I went to CQC and heard the organization lady!! And she said to get something else to put your big board on, and utilize all that space under it.... and SO!!! 

After shopping around for a long while - I found what I wanted.  And when the wind started blowing, I so secretly pulled it out, and said- "Hey Guy's - I'll make cookies if you put this together"   

Total Win Win situation!!

So - here is my new ironing table!!!I didn't know how many cubbies I really wanted filled with the colored buckets, but it looks like I guessed ok!!  And it is sturdy!!!

After I was all organized - I finished up my Sweet Treat Quilt top. I did the borders different - only because ... patience is not my friend.... and I wanted it DONE!!!  

And then... because deadlines make me work faster - I started a Carpenter Star quilt... what is the deadline you ask? June 1st!  Judy L is going to post some feather videos - and I want to follow along, and she is going to feather a quilt like this!!!

I figure I will follow along, and have a Quilt of Valor done and ready to go!!!

So.... how is your weekend going so far? Please hope the wind does die down for us, we still have some outdoor projects to get to!!


  1. Perfect Awesomeness!! What else can I say? Love the quilt too.

  2. Love the new iron board. The quilts are great.

  3. Brilliant! I will be keeping my eyes open for something appropriate.

    How high is it? Did you stumble across it or is it something we could all order?

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love your new ironing table...what a great idea!
    Also love your sweet treats quilt :) I am trying to decide where my sweet treats quilt is's pretty wild at the moment!

  5. OK - details on your awesome new ironing station! I've been looking for something to and this is it! Love your method for getting it done too! LOL. Cookies are a huge motivator around here too! Hoping your wind dies down, but please, please don't send it south!! We've had enough extreme wind to last for a very long time! I can't even fly my flags these days and that makes me sad. Your Sweet Treat quilt is perfect and that Carpenter's Star...well, wow! Just wow! Think I'll need to add that to my list. QOV zig zag quilt on my list this weekend!! I may be making 1/2 square triangles until the cows come home! :)

  6. What a GREAT idea for an ironing station... love it!

    ...wish I had room for it in my miniscule sewing room...

  7. My sewing room is too small for an ironing station like yours, but I really love it! I've been re-doing my sewing room... you can see, my ironing station is much smaller than yours! Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts

  8. Pat R.8:52 PM

    Good job on everything this weekend!! We had winds over 60 mph yesterday, but today, only about 30, and then early evening, they really calmed down. Wind is part of living on the prairie, but we don't have to like it!!

  9. I happen to be taking a Carpenter's Wheel class next month (only we're making 12" blocks instead of one big one) and I was contemplating what colors I'd use. I LOVE yours! Think that's what mine will be! Thanks.

  10. I love your Carpenter Star QOV quilt. I think I'll have to make one too, but not this weekend!! Your big board ironing station is great. Too bad I don't have a permanent place to put my ironing board or I would do that too. I have to take my ironing board up and down because of the limited space in my sewing room. Maybe in my next life! LOL. Hope the winds die down for you. We had those gusts earlier in the week -- Fri and Sat.

  11. Now that's what I call organized! You got a great storage area and ironing board, two quilts near a finish - and all for a few dozen cookies - WOW! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Those definitely deserve Ta-dah! Well done.

  13. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I love that carpenter's star quilt! And I love the colors you've chosen for it, too. It's a really nice play on shadow and light!

  14. Boy! Great minds think alike, my mother says. Your carpenter star is almost exactly like mine. Thanks for stopping by


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