
Monday, May 07, 2012

Design Wall Monday

There was a little bit of spring cleaning going on around here on Saturday!!! After being sort of couch bound for a month, living with 4 males.... totally necessary!!!

In the front room I have a table with my sewing machine, and next to it was my desk. But it was my pay the bills kind of desk, and it really shouldn't be in the front room.  I mean really, as you walk in you see all my bills, and papers and , well it should be somewhere else... so we decided that Wrangler Man should make room for me in HIS office..., and we did!!

So here it is now - in all its glory, on the wall in Wrangler Mans office... and he didn't even grumble ..... too much.... 

and the spot that was my desk? Well they kept talking about things that should go there, so Sunday... after my dear sweet Little Bit took us all to the movies to watch "The Avengers" 

I took over!!!!
I made a little design wall!! YAY!!!
It's really just a piece of batting taped to the wall - 
But - it's so cool!
( and will be better when Wrangler Man's Computer Bag isn't there!)

So - on my design wall.... my Row of blocks. I am going to participate in a Row Robin with my Quilt guild, and this will be my Row.... I have never done one of these before, but it sounds like fun, and every other month you get a new quilt to work on....

For other design walls head over to Judy's


  1. My desk is in the dining room and it is a catch all also, but my husband won't let me into his office. I have a corner to hold my fabric stash and my stuff for my sunday school class and he is trying to "push" me out. I keep asking him where he expects it go, LOL

  2. I'm so excited for your design wall! It'll be such fun to see what you have up there each week. Your hubby gets brownie points for sharing his space. The row uilt with your guild sounds like fun!

  3. Yes our desk had to go into a room where the door closes. I think your stars look great and a row round robin sounds like a ton of fun.

  4. We once tried having a desk out where it would be "convenient" to work at but it just bacame a junk pile. So all desk are banished. And still the bills get paid. ;-)


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