
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

QOV Presentations

I was allowed to invite a few Quilters to go with me to Ft Carson  to present some QOV's. This is a big deal - they are very protective of the WTB - so I was excited.  

We got to present quilts to a few different Soldiers - the pictures kind of tell the story....

Wrapped in LOVE!!

Hope you can see the smiles and the happiness. !!   They were thrilled to recieve such a gift!


  1. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ8:37 AM

    These pictures are wonderful. I'm glad you were allowed to bring some quilters with you. The faces of the soldiers tell a great story. Thanks for taking the photos and posting them.

  2. I see quite a few women there getting quilts so I won't feel so bad if I send in a "girly" quilt. :) It's good to see the smiles and know the quilts are really appreciated. If only the war and the need would end.

  3. GREAT pictures! Thank you for sharing. Seeing those makes me want to run to my sewing machine and work on a QOV--wait, it's Tuesday, that's my quilting group day and I WILL be working on a QOV!

  4. Pat R6:01 PM

    It was my honor to accompany Alycia to Ft. Carson with a car load of quilts just over a year ago. I can't tell you what a warm, wonderful feeling we, as quilters get, when we see the appreciation for the gift of quilts to our military. The quilts are so well received.


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