
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Stash 3/11/12

My stash report is just not very exciting!!  I am sewing up lots of string blocks because my string bins are overflowing, and that means I need to get busy.... but the strings - they are leftovers from all mu other cuttings .... and I can't count them twice..   

well... I could... and then maybe wrangler man would let me buy more.... nope! I must. be. honest. LOL

SO!! First - I purchased this black to go with my March color palette fabrics - I needed the black - truly I did....

And - I know this isn't the best picture ( I took it with my phone) these are the fabrics I plan to use for the March challenge... and I started my challenge sort of....

My report:

Fabric In this week:           1 yard
Fabric in YTD:               33.42 yards

Fabric Out this week:      1 yard
Fabric Out YTD:             147.32 yards

Total Fabric Busted YTD:   113.9 yards

And This!!!  This is why there hasn't been too much sewing going on - My son is on the right. Swim meets!!! 

and the moon - it was so huge on the horizon, and so pretty!

To see other stash reports go to:


  1. Attending swim meets is a good reason not to be sewing! I spent many a day the very same way...

  2. So, has the swimming season just started? What does he compete in? So much fun cheering on our kids! Sending him best of luck wishes for a great season!And as for your lack of sewing, well your YTD totals are pretty much off teh charts already so give the rest of us a chance to catch up. :)

  3. I love that black fabric- yes, you needed it! I think you're wrong about the strings. They are fabric we bought but didn't use in other quilts. Sew strings together to make a 36 x 42" baby quilt and that is a yard of fabric! Actuallly, more like an extra half yard for all those seams, but we all count differently. Sew on!

  4. I love that black fabric- yes, you needed it! I think you're wrong about the strings. They are fabric we bought but didn't use in other quilts. Sew strings together to make a 36 x 42" baby quilt and that is a yard of fabric! Actuallly, more like an extra half yard for all those seams, but we all count differently. Sew on!

  5. I love that black fabric- yes, you needed it! I think you're wrong about the strings. They are fabric we bought but didn't use in other quilts. Sew strings together to make a 36 x 42" baby quilt and that is a yard of fabric! Actuallly, more like an extra half yard for all those seams, but we all count differently. Sew on!

  6. the black fabric looks kind of like it has a string of pearls on it.

  7. I too bought some black fabric. Needed it for an inner border of an UFO and I was at a retreat, so I couldn't raid my stash!!! I love your black fabric.

  8. Love your addition!

  9. Love that black fabric. Heck, I like them all!


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