
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

High Ground Movie Premiere - and QOV's

This last weekend was the Boulder International Film Festival and High Ground Premiered.  We were invited to the Premiere, and a few of us QOV people met up!! It was a blast - and an incredible movie... I will keep promoting it until it comes out on the big screen - so please pass this on!!!

Before the premiere, my son and I were invited to head up to the studios and meet with the Veterans that were able to make the premiere - Oh My Gosh!!! That was wonderful....

My son is a little interested in film making, so he got to meet up with the producers and director, and meet a big Hollywood famous person - and it was WAY COOL!!

The absolute best part was being able to present Quilts of Valor to the Vets!  We took pictures with our phone, and I am hoping to get better ones... but here are a few to make you as excited as we were!!

This is Chad B!  He is awesome!! But more importantly He LOVE his quilt!!! I believe it was made by Ila... in the below picture - that is Steve B looking over his shoulder. Funny thing about Steve B.... he is blind... but I don't think that you would really know it....

This is Ashley - the Quilt she recieved is from the Ft Morgan Quilters - Susan and her crew worked on this one. AND!!! It was her favorite colors.... amazing. Ashley is a Helicopter Mechanic.... when they ran out of tin - she patched up a helicopter with a coke can.  A female MacGuyver I tell ya!!

This is Chad J - I love him!!  I am going to visit him, because - are you ready for this?  Sit down. His girlfriend ... is a chocolateer.... seriously - Its Kizmet - I am meant to visit - right ( I mean that's not weird is it?)

I am going to leave you hanging there with the QOV presentations ... so you just have to COME BACK (tee hee)

Oh - and this is Becky, Terry and Caroleann - they are some of the other QOV'ers We met up with!  They are the best - I had so much fun talking with them. Face to Face is SO much better than emails !! Really!!


  1. This makes my heart feel good and makes me want to go sew more.

  2. Their smiles say it all. Thank you for the photos.

  3. What an awesome opportunity for y'all! Really looking forward to seeing this and super excited that more beautiful quilts were distributed to these incredible servicemen and woman.

  4. How wonderful to be able to share the joy of your giving...

    *reaching for tissue*

  5. I just watched the movie trailer. This movie is going to help change perspectives to be sure. Can't wait to see it. So glad you were able to represent QOV.

  6. alycia, what a superb honor for you and your son, this is so deserving and i am glad to see the QOV project is getting additional recognition through your efforts and those with whom you work...blessings to all of your for gifting our vets!

  7. Alycia, what a special time for you and your son to experience. About the chocolateer, sounds like ya'll need to come to Lititz, PA and check out Wilbur chocolate, only the BEST!
    Love the striped border on Steve's quilt. He sure looks happy.
    Thanks for sharing the pics, can't wait to see more!!


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