
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Quilt Show!! Of Quilts of Valor

Did you know its already Wednesday? Seriously ! What happened!!!

First off - I had a conversation with my Chaplain last night - he said some things that really touched me, and he said I could share - so here you go!

He said he is amazed at the conversations that he and his *guys* can have, as they are wrapped in there Quilts of love. He says there must be something so comforting in them, that they are able to break down barriers.

And that by breaking down the barriers, these guys have a chance to heal - both physically and emotionally.

*By Guys - he means all of them in the wounded battalion - not just the men*

That really touched my heart, and he said I could let you all know of the good work we are doing ..

Back to the Quilt show... get ready...

This first quilt is made by Helen H in VA. She sent it around and got a ton of signatures in the white blocks. It is really cool.

This one is sent in from Becky over at  I LOVE this one - I think it could probably be made with a layer cake or two . Thanks Becky!!

My St Croix connection is working!! This quilt above and below are both grom Grace P in St Croix. Karen is my *sister* living there and she is spreading the word... seriousl - when it is 4deg and snowy - I am going to go visit!!

Oh Look!!! Its Fred!!  I think he smelled the steak and thought I was cooking for him... he is just gorgeous!!

This is from Sue in AZ - it was her 12th quilt for 2011!!! Way to go Sue!!  It was both pieced and quilted by Sue!  Its called Hatch and Windows and was a part of a mystery quilt at
MysteryQuilts4Military - a Yahoo group.

The quilt above, and the quilt below - both were made by Dianne K in Colorado, and quilted by Kathy R in Utah. Fabulous quilts!!! The one up top looks like it took forever - but I LOVE it!!

And the last quilt for today is a mystery! It came from Franklin Kentucky with no name on the box or inside. And no label.... but this is one cool quilt!!  So thank you!

Hope you enjoyed this little quilt show this morning....

I am off to start my list of to - do's. especially since it Wednesday!!


  1. Oh, I have to check out that Yahoo Group. I am so invented to keep making QOV's. Thank you for posting everyone's creations. It's great to see all th variations.

  2. What a precious conversation with your Chaplain! I truly believe in the power of prayer and when we add prayers to the seams of these quilts, I am convinced that our boys and girls are covered. Thank you for sharing that. I wonder if that postage stamp quilt is a Bonnie Hunter pattern. I love scrappy quilts and it looks like her Scrappy Many Trips pattern. If it is, it goes together quickly. They are all amazing!

  3. What a great variety of quilts.

    Thank you for sharing the chaplain's thoughts. It is heart-warming to know the recipients can feel love sewn in each quilt. Keep up the good work.

  4. Stunning as always! It is so inspiring to see all of these QOVs. I'm hoping to start working on my first one today during naptime! I'm so excited!

  5. All the quilts are wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  6. That's really lovely. Quite touching! Thanks for sharing


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