
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Mini quilt Show

Are you ready for some inspiration? Are you ready to see some Quilts?  Well, grab a cup of something and sit down!!!

First off I have a Quilt that has seen the tropics!! And it is ready for winter - this yummy flannel quilt was made by Sandi and Karen, Sandi lives in New Jersey, and Karen - in St Croix.... I am going there some day!!!  Anyways this yummy Quilt of Valor is made in flannels, and will be so loved - I can tell!

This next beauty is sent in from Helen in Virginia - Isn't it lovely? Its colors and pattern are just outstanding!!

Up Next I have a real winner from Julie in California... she also sent in two tops, but those you will see later, when they have been quilted... I need to keep you in suspense you know!
You can check out what Julie is up to over at

Next up is a real Patriotic Quilt from Kathy in Oregon. She pieced it, and it was quilted by Betsey P of Clovis California -- real west coast gals.  ( well except Clovis isn't on the coast... but its closer than I am at the moment!!)

I won't make you vote on any of these - as I am sure it would be VERY hard to choose a favorite.. But I can tell you.... there is a lot of ohhing and ahhhing in my house!!

The Chaplain came to visit me yesterday to pick up a few quilts. And listening to him ohh and ahhh totally made my day!   He said to pass on his undying gratitude to us quilters. He says he has seen the tears of so many, when they find out someone cared enough to make them a beautiful gift - it just makes his heart all happy!!


  1. Gorgeous quilts. Great job, everyone!

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I was very surprised yesterday to discover a website that shows CANADIAN Quilts of Valour! I'd found your site first and read of contributors from Canada sending you tops to quilt ... maybe I might have to try my hand at quilting (if I ever get organized!!!) Enjoy your posts and looking at all the beautiful handiwork out there....
    Denise in Saskatchewan

  3. Pat R.1:39 PM

    Makes the heart feel so good to make these for our wonded warriors!!

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The quilts are wonderful!! I'd love to get the pattern for the one Helen made.

    Shari in AZ

  5. I WILL get quilts to you SOON! THREE for sure as soon as I finish up the one on the frame right now.

    I always love seeing your show-n-tell posts!

  6. The quilt I made is a mode bake shop recipe called Cross-Terrain.



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