
Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 QOV Challenge update

Remember our challenge at the first of 2012 - to piece or quilt or to do a mix, or to even do both and finish 12 Quilts of Valor for the year?   Well - lets link up to them and encourage each other with our progress... whether its just a start of a quilt, or a finish of a quilt - lets see them all and push each other on!!!

I am trying the inlinkz website - and I sure hope it works!! So bring em on.... I'll even sweeten the deal  a little bit.... We will drop all the links in a hat and pull one out on February 5th.

Whoever's name is drawn will get a $15 gift certificate to - hows that????

Lets link up!!


  1. I finished three of three of the quilts before Christmas but waited to send them to the longarmers. Once I get them all back, they will be boxed up and sent to you. Thanks for the 12 quilt challenge.

  2. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ12:46 PM

    I have just posted 2 pictures. The first quilt is a crumb quilt and it is complete. The second is a red/white/blue quilt and I just finished quilting it yesterday. I hope to get the binding on this weekend! Only 10 more quilts to go!

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What if we do not have a blog, can we still participate?
    Nancy L

  4. perfect! I still have a wee bit of time to sew together an UFO and enter?!

  5. Judy V. from Thornton4:37 PM

    I tried to use the link for the Quilt Challenge...not sure what I did wrong. I'll try again later.
    Anyway, one QOV is done and most of the strips have been cut for the next QOV, yay!

  6. Well, I'm definitely too slow to promise to make 12 tops this year, but I've started one! Hopefully I'll do more than that by the end of the year!

    Thanks for all of your hard work Alycia! You are such an inspiration!


Comments make my day!! I love hearing your thoughts!!! Thank you for stopping by and being a part of my Quilting Journey