
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stringing, Just a Stringin'

Oh whoops - maybe thats Swinging... but only if you listen to country music....

Today was the day I got to sit down for an hour next to my strings!!! And seriously, it was just about an hour.... how come everyone *needs* me????   Just kidding... I love having my kiddos around!!  And.... we went swimming today. When I say swimming, you know I mean like a workout right? My oldest is pretty competitive and since Cross Country is over he wants to be in shape for his spring swim season.... I think beating mom ( okay killing her) is high on his training list.....

Back to the strings...

Heres the pile.....

Heres 32 of them finished...

 And a few trimmed up... only a lot more to go!!! Yay me!!

Anxiously awaiting the next clue.....


  1. This step is taking me forever. I think the 350 triangles went faster. They are turning out cute though. I hsve 50 done.

  2. me too!! it's tomorrow, this was a HARD clue, it did take a looong time


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