
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quilts from Alabama

I got up early this morning, got ready to blog, and looked outside and there was SNOW!!  A lot of it!! Yay... except I had to go to town. From my house ( high up on the hill) I can see the highway, and I noticed the semi trucks going veeeerrrrry very very slow.... so I hopped in my car and headed off. Good choice. Took me a little over an hour .....  oh well. Such beauty is worth it.

But I am back now and ready to blog!!!

So - these beautiful quilts come from Alabama!!!   All the quilters are readers.

This one - I believe is a Scrappy Trip quilt ( from is made by Ada N.  And a close up is in order... I love these quilts!

This green 4 patch one is also made by Ada!! Thank you SO much Ada!!!

This pretty Blue one is made by Teresa H from Alabama.... isn't it a soothing quilt?
 This is from Teresa too - is it a snowball quilt, or a puzzle quilt? I don't know this pattern - but I sure LOVE it!!!

The last quilt this morning ( and yes it is still morning in my book!!!) Is from Cathy O in Alabama!!  I LOVE how those stars spin right in the middle of the blocks!!

Quilters!! These Quilts are wonderful Quilts of Valor!!! I sure appreciate you!!


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    These are beautiful quilts!! What wonderful quilters you know.

    Shari in AZ

  2. Gorgeous quilts! Great job everyone.

  3. Hi! Is there any problem with using copyrighted fabrics in Quilts of Valor? I will have some Superman fabric left from a Christmas project and I think it could make a fun quilt.


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