
Friday, December 02, 2011

QOV Pantry Stats

I love to be on the go.... and I do a lot of moving, and then when the snow moves in I go ...Errrrk *stop*   I don't like driving with others on the icy roads.... so I sat down and figured out some stats.

I am alss not good at Stats.... to do this, you need to sit down, stop, and compute....

which explains a lot to me.... hmmmm

Anyways - since my fill the pantry plea...Found here

* The waiting list at Ft Carson grew to 30 - Chaplain now has all 30 Quilts of Valor so he can distribute them immediately.

* 8 Quilts went to the Combat unit ( here in Greeley - it serves OIF/OEF in this area)

*  12 were supposed to go the PTSD unit Thursday - but... alas ... the snow stopped us.. they will be there next week.

* 9 Quilts are ready to bind

*13 Quilts are out at Longarm Quilters - to be returned in late January

This leaves 20 in the pantry ready to go at any given moment ( YAY US!!!! We ROCK!!!)

* 27 of these ( the ones in the pantry and the ones already delivered) quilts came from readers

And.... I have a stack of 5 boxes here to open and take pictures of this weekend.....

AND.....if you wonder why you have not seen all of the quilts yet, its because I really like to dedicate a whole day to these beauties... I want everyone to get a chance to drool, get some inspiration.... and if i do more than one post.....

-well, it means I might be neglecting other chores, and then everyone gets hungry, and cranky, and cranky steers (please note I did not call them cows)  go thru fences, and then I have to fix fences.... and *sigh* its sad....

So there you go - Quilters Rock and we should Rule the World - because when you ask a Quilter to do something... it is DONE!!!!  Many Many Deep Thanks to all of you!!!


  1. what a blessing to have so many hands to serve when the call is made!

  2. Absolutely impressive! I salute you and all the quilt contributors!

  3. That is wonderful news! Thanks for your effort in this very worthwhile endeavour.

  4. LOL! You are hereby nominated to rule the world or at least you need to head to Washington. Those are impressive stats! Are y'all covered in snow? Bet the 'steers' love to see you coming. :) We seem to be going through the feed awfully fast. Expecting another load to refill the bins on Monday. Expecting snow today and the moisture will be welcome.


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