
Monday, November 14, 2011

A Thank You

I know that we don't do this for the Thanks - we do it for the opportunity to Thank our Vets... but all the same - when a Thank you comes, its sweet.....

"Thank you So much for the quilt! My husband recently came home from overseas and was sent to Ft Carson for Medical treatment. It was there he recieved the Quilt of Valor. We love it - especially our 3 year old. Thanks for your support to the troops. It means a lot to them and to their families.  ...Thanks again D, G and G  "


  1. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ12:56 PM

    Thank you for posting this note. It is so nice to know that all the work we do from our hearts is appreciated.

  2. It's always good to hear how the quilts touch the lives of those who receive them. Thank you for posting this note.

  3. It's always so nice to hear from QOV recipients... thanks for sharing the note!

  4. Anonymous12:05 AM

    This note just makes my heart grin with joy for all the work you and all your quilty friends do. Great job!

    Shari in AZ


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