
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

UFO #9

Oh lawsy mercy me - how does time go so fast!!! We had a swim meet this afternoon, that should have been over by 7, but it was over at 8:30 - then we stopped by some friends and got to see a bunch of alpacas....left there house about 10pm, and just got home ( its 11pm now) And I still feel like its morning - I have much more to do!!!!!

But I did finish my UFO for the month - Judy chose UFO #9 and all mine required was binding - so you all know what I was FINALLY finishing last night ( um after the red challenge quilt) but it was done before midnight - so that counts!!!

And here it is:

I thought I would put it on my bed like Judy does - but I forgot that our room is probably not as clean as hers! In my mind it is, but when the pictures come out..... there is mysterious clothing and boots and such around there!!

For other UFO finishes go to:


  1. Nothing like a deadline...
    Love the quilt. Someone will be very lucky to receive it.

  2. This quilt has a nice drape to it. pretty fabrics- i couldn't do a photo shoot in my room! cw

  3. It looks great! Mine is still a UFO waiting for it's number to be pulled. Can you show us some better photos of the quilting? It looks like you did some cool designs on the borders?

  4. Looks like a lovely trapunto effect the way you did the it!!

  5. Such a pretty quilt! Congrats on finishing another UFO!

  6. Nice job getting in - just under the wire! It's really a fun quilt.

  7. Very pretty, I love the colors.

  8. Well done! It must feel great to have it done!


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