
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Stash Report Sunday (times 2)

Since last Sunday was Easter Sunday and it found us up at my parent's church, and then their house, eating ALL of their food, and taking home what we didn't eat... I forgot to do a Fabric Stash Report.... cuz I was too busy stashing food in my mouth!!

I am going to combine the two weeks, so that it looks like I did something!

Fabric Used:     -7.25 yards
Fabric Added:    0 Yards

Fabric Used YTD:   -238.669 Yards ( i need that 9 to round things UP!)
Fabric Added YTD:   164.4 yards

Total Fabric BUSTED:   74.27 yards

So where is the dent? How come I don't have more shelf space? Or maybe fabric expands when it has room?  Yep - thats it - it must be!

To see what others have done go to:


  1. Amazing the amount of fabric you've use to date... the mind boggles!

    Have a great day!

  2. That must be it! Great work on your stash busting!

  3. It does expand to fit the shelf space!!! Seriously I think that when we use some and have odd shaped pieces left and maybe not as neatly folded as yardage it does look like it expanded.

  4. You have managed to use a lot of fabric. Maybe you have just reorganized your remaining stash so that it fits differently in your storage.

  5. Wow - I am amazed by the amount of fabric that you deal with...I discovered that new stuff tends to lay around in the quilt room because it is so nice to look at. so, when I finally get it put away, there is no significant change in the stash areas. Oh well...liz

  6. I can't believe how much you have used and it's only May! Great job!

  7. You must be right, what's left just expands. Great stash busting. At least more out then in!


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