
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Starting again

I kind of feel out of my routine, and that I need to start back again! We had a lot of kid events going on these last couple of days, and I had places to be, and we had trainings to go to and - well lets just say, when I got home at night I was ready to sleep.... but now... I think we might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel that is school, and ready to enter the slide that is summer!! Yay Summer!!

So ... the oldest kiddo qualified to go to the State Swim meet on the western slope, and we thought we should go too... and are we glad we did. It is just gorgeous over there and I fell in love. With the town, the wilderness, and the gelato place.... seriously Home made Peach gelato from Peaches grown about 20 miles away from them.... I went there twice ( in 2 days!)

While the big boys were warming up we toured the town. The college has an art department with a Bronze smelter, so there is art all over the main street.

A buffalo .

This is the pool that the state meet was in. Over to the left, not pictured is another part of the pool that was set up for warm up lanes. This facility was amazing!

We left the eastern slopes and went over the mountian, of course I was driving, so we had to stop at a few rest stops - this one had so much snow you could only get in thru one entrance.

Seriously we left in 50 deg, went through rain, ice, snow, and ended up at 70 deg. So strange!

And now that we are back - I have wound up some bobbins, got 8 loads of laundry done, groceries are purchased for the week, bills are in a pile - and I am off to see if my  machine still likes me!!


  1. Which town exactly didja go to? That art's pretty cool. WOW, you don't EVER slow down!

  2. Ahh yes, I do remember that weather. If you go up in July, you'll see snow too. I never made it over to the eastern slope, but understand that is where a lot of produce is grown. Looking forward to new quilt pics.

  3. That pool looks familiar... wait! After a while, ALL pools look alike! *lol*

    Know from experience how much time following swim meets takes...


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