
Friday, May 27, 2011

From Sherrill in TX

I tell ya - I LOVE Texas!!! Sherrill over at made a few quilts for Quilts of Valor.... These are just perfect!!! I love them!!

This string quilt just sings to me!! I want to make one just like this!!

Now - did you think that a *few* quilts would be 5? I can not believe how prolific some people are!! Thanks so much Sherrill!

**All of these quilts were not made by Sherrill alone - they were made by her quilting group Quilting for Christ!  Sorry for the mistake - but they are still awesome!!!**


  1. Wow and DOUBLE wow! What incredible quilts.... WTG Sherrill!!!

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Beautiful quilts, and yes, that RWB string quilt is incredible! I can't imagine a better one for a Quilt of Valor.

    They will all be cherished!


  3. Just want peeps to know I did NOT do all those quilts--it was our church group, Quilting for Christ, that did them all!! Must give credit where credit's due!! Thanks Alycia.


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