
Friday, May 13, 2011

From Pat and Susan

Susan emailed me and said she had a top to quilt, and Pat said she had time to quilt one - so they paired up. And when the finished quilt arrived here - it had multiplyed! Pat made a Quilt of Valor too!!!

This is the Quilt that Pat made, and she quilted it so beautifully. One of the corners has a butterfly quilted in it, and she won't let me cut it off and keep it!!!

Here is the quilt that Susan made. It has a ton of fish fabric in it and is So cool!!!
Pat quilted it and bound it and now it is ready for a soldier!

Thanks ladies - you make an awesome team!!!


  1. That is so cool that you were able to get them together, it turned out great.

  2. Pat R.7:57 PM

    Thanks, Alycia....I think the fish quilt is really cool, too, and it was so nice that Susan sent the extra fabric so I could make a presentation case! She sent the grass looking fabric and, what do you know??....I had fish fabric that was perfect for the cuff!! Stash comes in SO handy!!

  3. Just now checking the blog and the quilting makes the quilt! So glad that you could quilt it for me, Pat - hopefully I"ll be able to send another quilt next year! I"m a pokey quilter!!!


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