
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Quilters Accountability

I think... I hope.... this is the week to get back to some of my to do lists. I find that listing them does help me get them done, but I also find that sometimes - I am a scatterbrain!

There has been a lot of activity around here this week, and I am ready for these people to move on to greener pastures, and leave mine alone.  Monday, I was quilting away and had a strange feeling that someone was watching me. Considering I live with animals - I knew that meant some gate hadn;t been closed and ... well... I was going to have to get to work.

But it wasn;t animals.... it was....
These fellas - but they were a lot closer. Needless to say I went out and talked with them, and 'splained very nicely, that they needed to GO AWAY!

Granted - their company - did have permission to be there, it was just that my personal living area was supposed to be bubbled out. Apparently communication is not a strong point !!

Then these things showed up yesterday. What are they? Seismic readers. We have cables going across our land and they drive between the cable and can pick up the sound waves. There is a crew in another truck taking readings, and apparently they can map our land underneath, to see where there is oil, gas and water.

Oh, and when these trucks do there little pounding jig - it feels like an earthquake, except not as scary, cuz they pound every 10 minutes.

And now - they should leave so I can get back to my quilting!

So for next week  - my to do list:
1. Orange Monochromatic Challenge. - I need to decide on a quilt to make and get started.
2. Quilt - A lot - I have a few customer quilts that have deadlines looming....
3. Make Purple Binding for my Purple Mono Quilt and think about putting it on.

To see what others are up to, or to join in go to

Only this week - wait till Thursday - her computer is not being nice to her!


  1. Good luck with your orange challenge (orange is a tough one for me), list of the week, and the "strangers".

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    You have had quite the visitors! Pretty amazing what they can do now to "see" what is under us.

    Can't wait to see your monochromatic quilt this month. I am with you on the customer quilts also!

    Take care!



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