
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Stash Report on Superbowl Sunday

I think I have finally figured out why I start so many projects.... it has to do with cutting up a LOT of fabrics... ya think?

This weeks Stash Report:
Used this week:              38.15 yards
Used YTD:                       123.08 yards
Charity Fabrics Added:    0 yds
Fabrics Added:                 0 yards
Added YTD:                       95.25 yds

NET USED YTD:        27.83 yards - Whooo Hoo I finally hit the more used that received mark!!

But I will be honest - I cheated a little. In my fabric stash I still have some clothing fabrics, and my friend said she wanted to make some outfits for her daughter - so I FORCED her to come look at my clothing fabs first - and she took 11 yards -...... Its good to pawn things off on friends!!

All those purples that I pulled out last wednesday, After Judy issued that February was for Voilet... here they are all cut up. I weighed them before I cut, and it was 4.4 pounds. I used 3.5 yards per pound ,.... so I cut up 15.4 yards.... What was I thinking????

Here they are all pretty like, wonder how many quilt tops will become of this?
And lastly - the leftovers. These are crumbs, small strings and pieces of the purples. If any one wants them leave me a comment that you do. If there is more than one of you I will have Little Bit draw a name on Tuesday morning and we will get them in the mail to you.

Please leave a way to contact you to.....

Look what Cheryl did with the Yellow Bits that got sent her way - I was impressed!!

To see other stash reports for this week go to:

Enjoy the game if you are watching it!


  1. Yea! Great job and you are ready to do the violet challenge. I haven't even looked in the closet yet to see how much (or little) I have.

    It should be a good game tonight , though I don't know who to cheer for, yet!


  2. I love purple and would love your leftover bits!

    If I'm fortunate enough to be chosen, I can be contacted at ladynredd2003 at yahoo dot com .

  3. 15 yards of purple strips is a lot of strips. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  4. send Donna the small scraps and send me the cut strips! lol
    your purples are wonderful, I would be making piano keys for a long time with that many.
    are you cutting by rotery or do you have a GO? cheryl

  5. Wow I can't believe you cut up that much fabric in one week!! Way to go.

  6. The best part of a quilt is the cutting, next to binding and cuddling. Old horses are the best. My favorite age--14-20!

    I don't HAVE any quilting friends I can send stash home with.

  7. Great stash report and I know what you mean about starting projects to make the stash report look good! Look forward to seeing what you do with your violets (and btw, I do not want my name in for the scraps!).

  8. I would also love your purple left over bits, it's my favourite colour!! yeah for the packers. have fun with your mountain of strips...



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