
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stash Report and Quilt of Valor Report

I hope its okay to do one post on two different things - but I tell ya, I hope you will forgive me ;-)

First off - my Stash Report. It looks good today - but a box made it into the back of my trunk yesterday at CQC ( colorado quilt council mtg) Since it is still in my trunk it won't count for this week.... but it was kind of heavy .

Used This Week:                                9.72 yards - all backings for Quilts of Valor
Used Year to date:                         142.803 Yards
Added This Week:                             0 yards
Added Year to Date:                       2.75 yards ( personally)
Added Year to Date:                     94.50 yards ( Quilts of Valor)

Net USED Year to Date:               -45.55 yards

And just to pat my back a little bit - I was in a quilt shop yesterday and saw about 17 million fabrics i like - and bought NONE of them. Can you believe it?

And NOW For the Quilt of Valor Report!!!

For the Month of January ( cuz I forgot then) 21 Quilts of Valor were awarded
For the Month of February                               10 Quilts of Valor were awarded!

If you want to check out  more of what this little Quilt of Valor project is - you can find it inthe No Soldier Forgotten Tab

Check out what others have purchased or used at


  1. great report - both in your stashbusting and in the QOV finishes.liz

  2. No fabric from a quilt shop, I am proud of you also!!! Only one followed me home and I thought that was doing good.

  3. Woo Hoo! Way to be strong!

  4. I vote we don't have to count what is given to us. Good job resisting.

  5. Great stash numbers and very impressive quilts of valor report.

    Sometimes when I enter a quilt shop I think "resistance is futile", but it's a good feeling to walk out with nothing (well at least till you get home and wish you had bought....).

  6. You are doing great! That's a lot of stash to bust in just two months.


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