
Thursday, January 06, 2011

It's Over and Quilters Accountability 2011

It's official - my goofing off days are over for another 18 weeks.... so sad. School started yesterday ( wed) and everyone has to get back in action. And of course I had to go to the dentist to get an old cavity fixed again. And my dentist - he likes to torture me, because I am allergic to pain - he inflicts it!

Apparently I don't have a big enough mouth - little does he know eh? - so he had to use the baby drill and I think that was pure torture.... the numbing stuff took almost 5 hours to wear off.

I used to like my dentist - when we talked about horses, and ranching, and all the cool things - but Nope - he had to be a dentist.....

I think I am going to keep up with Quilters Accountability - I think it helped me stay somewhat on some sort of plan!

For this week:
1. Keep working on Yellow Monochromatic Quilt.
2. Make backings for 2 quilts
3. Cut up at least 3 Quilt of Valor quilt kits
4. Pull out UFO Number 6 and think of how it will get finished.

To see what others are up to - head over to


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Well I am sure glad to hear that the accountability helped you some at least! Like me, it isn't perfect, but it is better than when I wasn't accountable! Glad you are joining us again!

    I don't even want to talk about the trials I have had with the dentist this year! I like mine also and have known him since I was a little kid. Raises and rides cutting horses also, so another big plus in his favor. I have had the perpetual root canal this year - and it continues into this new year. UGH!

    Your quilty list for this week looks ambitious! Good luck on it!


  2. That is a big list. I will be chearing you on. LOL

  3. Super good luck on all your goals this week. I am betting you accomplish that list and THEN some :0)


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