
Monday, January 10, 2011

Design Wall ( err Uhh Floor)

My Yellow Monochromatic Quilt
is on my design floor. I finished all the inbetween blocks and have it all laying out. Every time I look at it I move a block or two around, so this afternoon it had better be ready. It is pinning time!!

Over Christmas I drew up a 2inch rail, 5 rail - rail fence pattern in my EQ7, and decided that I was going to use that for our January QOV sew in. Then I started cutting up my Red White and Blue fabrics. Then, I realized that not all of my strips were the needed 42 inches. So instead of cutting everything down to 8 inches, I decided to sew everything UP to 42 inches..... so this is my pile. I got enough darks sewn and recut for 2 kits. 

Today it is on to the lights!!
Saturday it started snowing, while I was sewing two of the boys needed a project, so they put together my bench for me!

I had thought this would be great next to the front door, so I could sit down and take off my boots before tracking all sorts of stuff into the mud room.
Here it is Saturday afternoon - this morning it is COVERED in snow.....

Check out more design walls at

Enjoy your day!


  1. You are so lucky to have helpers like your boys. Good thing they finished it Saturday since you need it today after brushing the snow off of course.

  2. Your yellow quilt is going to be beautiful.

  3. Really like your yellow quilt.

  4. I am lovin your yellow quilt.

  5. Love your new bench! Lucky you to have so many handy men around!
    Your mono quilt looks fabulous!

  6. Pat R.12:29 PM

    The yellow quilt is turning out great! I think I mentioned this once before, but rigid foam insulation works so well for a design wall. I prefer the 2'x8'x1" kind (Lowe's) rather then the 4'x8'. I have perm. design walls using the rigid foam, but I have several portable walls. I cut the 8' height to whatever is handier, use duct tape for hinges and felt to cover the foam.....the can fold up the 'wall' to store behind a couch, under a bed, etc, and you can even leave your blocks on it when you fold it sure to pin them on, tho....and you have the option of pinning your blocks to the wall or letting the felt hold them. I've used this for years.

  7. Very pretty quilt. We have snow here and a chair in the mudroom is great, wish I has room for a bench! I have a design floor too and I works pretty well for me.

  8. Send those boys my way, 'cause my bench needs to be taken apart and refinished.

  9. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I love your yellow quilt! Looking great!

    I am also impressed with the bench - that will help a ton in keeping out mud. Pretty handy boys you have there!


  10. Whoa! Where did I miss you getting so far on your yellow monochr. quilt???? Great progress!

  11. I love your bench. My dad built me a cedar bench which is also covered in snow now, LOL


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