
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Loading Up

 You are right - I am going someplace..... but can you guess how many Quilts of Valor one can fit in this vehicle?

This is the side view..............
Here is the rear view..................Umm and just so you know I added a few more to the vehicle after the picture. I found a few empty spaces!

All this loading up makes me wonder how Santa gets everything into his sleigh. The elves must get packing classes....

So Give me a Guess as to How many Quilts of Valor are loaded up and ready to go - and all of you who give me the right number will be entered into a drawing.

What will you win? A really cool Quilt of Valor quilt pattern and enough cut strips to make it. ( I will have to add a picture later, becuase I am too tired, and too lazy, to go downstairs and take a picture for you .....)

You have until Thursday the 23rd at 8pm to enter.

Merry Christmas!!


  1. I'll say 103..nothing scientific here, just a wild guess. LOL!!

  2. Pat R.7:54 PM

    Oh! Oh! Oh!....I know, I know!! Pick me, pick me! lol

  3. Hmmmm, how about 148. And have you considered vacuum seal bags?

  4. I guess 133. Travel safely.

  5. I am going to guess 199 quilts. Have a safe trip. Thanks Alicia!

  6. 300!
    Maybe closer to 250.... Mmmmmm them's a lot of quilts!

  7. My guess is 222 quilts fit in! Safe travels to you!

  8. I think you may have been able to load 267 quilts in the vehicle. Good job and safe journeys and throw in some Christmas joy as well.


  9. Thick quilts, skinny quilts...not easy to count them since some of them were hiding! My guess is 162.
    Can't to see how it all goes for you and hope you have a safe drive.

  10. I'm guessing 95. What a beautiful sight!

  11. I'll go with a nice even 100 - why else would you have needed to squeeze a few more in. :-) Thanks so much for your dedication to this project. Merry Christmas.

  12. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Wow! There are sure a lot of quilts. I am guessing at 100.

    I just love your site and all that you do. Happy holidays.

    Sandi from Sonora, CA

  13. Lots of wonderful quilts squished in there. Maybe 178?

  14. Alycia, I would guess 120. Since things seem to go in 5's. My logic anyway.
    What ever the number, it is a good one for sure..
    Tell the Vets's THANK YOU for me and my family!!

    and Merry Christmas to you and yours

  15. Anonymous12:28 PM

    All these quilts will make someone happy! I guess 143.
    Nancy L

  16. I wanted to say 78, but that doesn't seem high enough. How about 104?

    Can't wait to find out more!

  17. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Wow, Alycia, that is some cargo. Maybe 96? Please report on the delivery!

  18. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I think it is 153.

  19. I'm going to guess 75.

  20. I'm guessing around 90?
    Great job! That is a lot of happiness you shared!

  21. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Congrats on the large number. I will guess 123.

  22. 88 plus how ever many you sat on and could still drive! I love it!

  23. Purple Pansy8:11 AM

    I'm guessing 187 is the number of quilts in your vehicle. Thanks so much for the goodness and mercy you share.

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I will guess 132 quilts. My what a wonderful sight, you've got quite a payload there. Give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself to a chocolately mocha or something you enjoy. This is wonderful!
    Sherry in IA...slbook3 at aol dotcom

  25. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I guess it is 175.
    One time I was taking donated fabric home, and found out my car trunk would hold 500 yards.

  26. Carol Sc12:19 PM

    I enjoyed reading the various guesses. I once loaded my car with yards of fabric --- my husband was concerned about the shock absorbers---something I never thought of. My guess is
    110. What a terrific job you all did!

  27. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Hi Alcia:
    I guess 139 quilts. If that's not the right number you sure have a lot of them in there! I love to see pictures of them, especially when you are delivering. What you do is so appreciated, not only by the veterans but by all of us on the sidelines. Joyce email

  28. Loretta8:46 PM

    Wonderful pictures, Alycia. I think you crammed 295 quilts in your vehicle.
    Merry christmas to you and your family.
    Loretta in Louisiana

  29. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alycia for all you and your family does for QOV and our beloved military.

    My guess is 274. Nancy

  30. Donna in NH8:28 AM

    This brought tears to my eyes. Guess it's time to learn more about QOV and what I can do to help.
    My guess is 146.


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