
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years Eve 2010

Happy New Years Eve!

I keep asking the kids if they are going to make New Years Resolutions for this next year, and they keep laughing at me. I think they should be things like - I will make my bed every morning for the next year, and they think they should have something like - I get Chocolate cake for breakfast every morning.

Needless to say - Not many Resolutions are being written!

But we are enjoying our day. We got our much desired snow yesterday, but last night the much undesired wind has come up. 40-50 mph winds.... not much fun!

Even the dogs just run out, do their business, and hightail it back to the mudroom! Its (-15) degrees outside ( with the wind)

I have counted up the Quilts delivered this month - and the grand total for December is 143.
Thank you all for helping to make this possible!

Keep checking back for more pictures.
Hope you all have a Happy New Years Day.


  1. Very nice family picture!

    I kinda like the chocolate cake resolution myself.

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Oh yummmm. that's my kind of resolution too. :) Happy New Year to you and your guys.

    Shari in AZ
    where we had snow flurries & a hard freeze yesterday

  3. Thanks for your pictures, your good humor, your dedication to the QOV! Stay warm and cozy under a quilt and Happy New Year to you!

    Greetings from Spain

  5. One hundred forty-three quilts! That's AWESOME!

  6. Anonymous1:33 PM

    What a great looking family! You guys look Awesome - have a fabulous new Year!


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