
Saturday, November 06, 2010

Preparation for Veterans Rail Fence Quilt a Long

I hope you all are ready for the next few posts! And I hope I have all the instructions right!! So far mine has turned out correctly ;-)

If any of you are participating in the Veterans Rail Fence Quilt a Long I would love to be able to post your name, and your blog if you have one. 

So if you are - email me your blog addy or leave it in the comments here and I will make a page with them on it. If you are going to do the quilt a long - but a different quilt - email me still... I want to watch you progress too!!

And if you don't have a blog - if you want to take some pictures a long the way I would be honored to post them.  I honestly believe that there can NEVER be enough ohhing and Ahhing.... are you with me???

And there will be prizes....


  1. Alycia, can you expound upon this quilt along a bit more? How big a quilt, what's the time frame, etc.

  2. It's 3am here in Missouri and I've decided to start cutting and preparing for this Veteran's Rail! I can't sleep and am spinning on what to work on next.

    Then Mary reminded me of this sew along and TA DA--I'm in!! A fresh pot of coffee is brewing and I'm heading to the fabric bins.

    Thanks, Alycia, I needed this today!!

  3. Alycia, Here it is on Sat morning... too late to start this (because I live at my job lately...'tis the season...), and I have leaves to rake, a sick grandson here and a sick hubby (who will probably be out there raking anyway), AND I have a bunch of 3" strips leftover from a lasagna quilt on my dinig room table with the sewing machine set up.
    So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go get bags (for the leaves), rake them (hopefully talk hubby into being inside with the gs w/stomach flu), then take a break and sew my strips into rail fences (rather wide, but it will use them up) and see what I come up with. We can only hope I follow Wish me luck. I'll be still following your blog even after the fact.


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