
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

More Quilt Presentations

Today I have been *finally* opening some of the boxes that came last week with Quilts of Valor in them. And oh Man - are they lovely!!!  But before I show you all those that have come in, I have a few pictures of some that have gone out.

It is interesting to see what the recipient's choose, and it is interesting that some love their pictures takes and others don't.

This young gentleman (above) had his mom and girlfriend with him. They were all so excited about the quilt. And they could not believe that people would go to this trouble for them.
This next gentleman's 13 year old son was with him, and just loved the symmetry of this Quilt.

This Vet was the funniest. I told him that this quilt was a hug for him, and he dared us to walk up on the street and give him one. Did I mention that he was about 6'5" 280 pounds of ALL muscle???

Have a great evening.


  1. I LOVE to see the quilts that so many gals/guys have made, but even more so, I LOVE to see the recipients. 8-))) Thanks for all you do.

  2. Anonymous4:01 AM

    I love the smiles!!! They're the reason we love what we do. Thanks Alycia for everything you do.

    Shari in AZ

  3. Thank you for posting the photos of the soldiers receiving the quilts: their smiles are priceless.

    Be on the lookout for a quilt coming your way from Wyoming.


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