
Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Tonight was the homecoming Football game in our town. And the band played during halftime. Right now our marching band is ranked #1 in the state for their division.  Our football team won the game tonite, and the homecoming Queen and King was crowned. A lot of celebrating going on!.

My son is a drummer - he is the drummer on the Quads. And my pictures are very professional you know - because I am SO steady! *giggle*

Last year at this time - the Homecoming Game the snow was blowing and the wind was howling, and NO one could get warm. I was very tough and strong and thought I could take the cold - and I lasted about 10 minutes then went to the truck and sat in the heat! I watched the game from the truck, couldn't make myself get back out. And I collected children too - the colder it got, the more children joined me in the truck!

This year was much nicer - about 50deg and feeling somewhat balmy!

1 comment:

  1. Friday night games and marching band competitions are some of my favorite memories of my son's school years!


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