
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Combat Veterans Cowboy Up

A few of you have asked how come I meet so many returning OIF/OEF vets. This is one of the many ways......  and right now they need a little help.....

helps treat returning vets suffering from PTSD, TBI as well as the phsyical visible injuries. If you would like to help, they need hay. It costs $3.75/bale -that will feed about 1 horse for a week. They have 21 horses.

We decided to give up our McDonalds for a week. The boys and I like the $1.00 cokes and small fries as a pre swim practice snack. Maybe if you could give up snack for a day and help in this project you would be helping many returning vets.

You can give by paypal by going to their website, it is a 501c3 and it is tax deductible.

If you do this - would you write in the comments that "the quilt lady sent me", or something to that nature - this is my joke to him. He thinks that all I think about is fabric. and I have totally proved that right to him MANY times over *giggle*

Hope you all have a great weekend - we are off to a day of the battle of the drums, marching bands and well, basically lots of Noise!!! Should be fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I bought a few bales but didn't see anywhere that I could tell em you sent me! So you can let em know, alright? LOL


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