
Monday, September 13, 2010

Writer's Block or Quilter's Block?

Can you have both Writers block and Quilters Block at the same time? I think I do - I haven't had much time to quilt for myself, so I don't have much quilty stuff to write about - so my mind is blank... sort of.

Last week there was a horrible accident at our NorthWest corner of the property. And we were there to hear it, and see the aftermath. A car hood went flying up in the air to the fences. Traffic stopped for miles, and flight for life came in, then left without picking anyone up. Turns out that was a good sign, every one was stable.

Since we had to check those fences to make sure they didn't get damaged, we decided it was probably time to check them all. We all saddled up and headed out. Turns out that was a  good thing. Although we own our land, the Natural Gas and Oil companies own the mineral rights. Technically they are not supposed to leave things on the surface, but we have learned this to be an untruth. We found lots of loose wires.

 Or more exactly, Brownie Mare ( like that name?) walked into the wire while Wrangler Man was on her, and the rest of us watching - wondering what to do. Wrangler Man is pretty handy, I kept us all away and he untangled the mare.

Of course, there was more to do then, not only remove that wire, but make sure they hadn;t left any more around. Did you know you can spend a day or two just doing that? If you didn't know - now you do *grin* and So. Do. I.

There was a volleyball game to attend, swim practices to get to, and more horse riding to do. I quilted a quilt as well. I really liked this one. It was a very scrappy log cabin.

I have about 20 minutes before we leave again for  swim practice, so maybe I will go try to unblock my quilters block, and maybe stare at my fabrics. I truly  believe they laugh at me every time I walk by.... or maybe they are taunting me... and teasing me?

Have a great one!


  1. How much property do you have? I know that's a LOT of work. Glad to hear everyone came outta the accident OK. I'm sure your blocks will wear off! HA

  2. I think we all go through dry spells--of each kind! But you found something to write about, so I don't see where you have writer's block.

  3. Your log cabin is a pretty quilt. Glad Brownie Mare (Like the name!) wasn't hurt by the wire. Keep looking at the fabric and an idea will pop into your head!


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