
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quilters Accountability 9/29/10

My last weeks goals were:
 1. Sew 15 minutes a day on Betty Quilt   - I got about 30 minutes over the weekend, thats it.
2. Quilt one of my own quilts ( I have it prepped.......thats a start right)  Whoo hoo, it is on the long arm machine, it has batting in it, and I have my threads all picked out and ready to go.....

Kinda boring - huh? I am not sure where this last week went to, Saturday we had visitors at all hours of the day. We were supposed to take a horse to a lady in the afternoon, until we found out it didn't like to load in trailers. So Wrangler Man and I persuaded, begged, and tried everything for about 5 hours. Then we quit. We locked her in the alleyway, with her food and water in the trailer. The next morning she was ready....and took about 45 minutes and went right in the trailer.

On Sunday we had a QOV sew day. Just a few of us showed up, but we ( and by we I mean Harriet) got 2 QOV's bound. The rest of us got 30 flag blocks and 47 Star blocks put together.
Joan is a speed sewer. I have a hard time sitting still for more than 15 minutes, so I helped deplete the M&M's stash as well as made Flag blocks and Ironed!!

I have big goals for this next weekend. I was going to go to a retreat, but it ended up being too far away, too costly, and I was needed here at home. But I have convinced the *boys* to let me start sewing on Saturday and leave me alone..... Wish me good sewing vibes!!

Here is my list:
  • Quilt on My quilt at least 2 hours
  • Cut my Fall Foliage quilt ( that is the fabric bundle I bought last Friday)
  • Sew 10 Betty Blocks
  • Make a Backing for Lime green/Black quilt
  • Take Pictures of QOV's that have arrived.

To see what everyone else is up to head over to:

You are allowed to join in as well!!!


  1. good luck with your in home retreat this saturday.

  2. Hey...someone's got to deal with the M & M stash!! Those blocks will make great quilts!

  3. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I love the way those blocks look. It will be wonderful to see them put together!

    I want to "retreat" with you this weekend, but I can't! (Can you tell I am whining?) Too much going on - company coming over Saturday, cooking gumbo for about 30 folks, church, then the kids have practice Sunday evenings for the church Christmas program. My weekend is gone already!

    You can get the things on your list done...barring any unforeseen live events LOL. What did you pick for the back of the lime and black quilt? What thread are you going to use?

    Anyway, take care and have a very productive retreat weekend!


  4. Love the blocks! I can't wait to see them together.

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Would love to know the dimensions of the flag blocks (what size strips to use would be enough of an incentive for me to make blocks!)


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