
Friday, September 03, 2010

Ault Quilt Festival

A few Weekends ago there was a Quilt Festival up in Ault - Ault is A Unique Little Town... ( get it - Its on their sign). 

Anyways the lady that coordinated the Quilt show was short a few quilts, so she called me a wondered if I might have any quilts that I could let her display. They are displayed VERY safely, up high, in a secure gym, with Security. I thought this might be a good exposure for Quilts of Valor - so I chose 4 Quilts for her to display.

Apparently I was right - this was a great way to get the word out there, because when I went to pick up my Quilts of Valor - I came home with 6 more!!!

Want to see them?

These Three Star Quilts were made by Wilma O in Colorado. I believe these are the Star Struck pattern from Atkinson designs. I LOVE it!!

These Three were made by Sonje J in Colorado - Aren't they just beautiful?

Thanks Quilters for making these Quilts of Valor.


  1. wow,what a wonderful end to the day. good job gals!- cw

  2. I am sure that will result in even more over the long run!

    Any ideas what the block is for the quilt to the left of the sampler? I am liking the look of THAT! k.

  3. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Wow!!! What gorgeous quilts. Pretty good return on your investment...and I see more of them in your future.

    Shari in AZ

  4. How wonderful. Doesn't the generosity of people just amaze you sometimes?


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