
Friday, August 20, 2010

Quilts of Valor from across the country

 I think that Blogger has changed some of there *things* again and I hope I have entered everything right. Or maybe I just haven't had enough caffiene yet....

These first five quilts went on quite a journey. They were made by Jennifer B and Quilted by M Gayle Wallace. She is a quilting teacher - I think I know why!!

So these quilts first started out in Louisana... then they traveled to MQS in Kansas City, then they went to HMQS in Utah ( right? - thats where HMQS is I think) and then Ms Vicki A of Machine Quilting Unlimited brought them from Utah to Colorado to me!

The Next quilt came from Iowa. Carolyn made it and April quilted it. I think it looks like it mught be the Yellow Brick Road pattern from Terry Atkinson. That has always  been one of my favorite!~

These next three quilts come from Jackie. She is a part of my Heartstrings group - and very very creative. The one on the right is a Bonnie Hunter pattern that we did as a mystery quilt way back when on this blog. I LOVE the way it turned out.

And this very last one from Jackie is a Quilt as you Go quilt out of all Cowboy fabrics. I think I drooled ( of course NOT on the quilt) Isn;t it great!?

Thanks Quilters for all your hard work in making these Quilts of Valor - they are Awesome!!


  1. Jackie in NJ6:12 AM

    Thanks for posting the quilts I sent. I love seeing them on your blog. Thanks for the great job you do!!

  2. Great eye candy -- what a motivating way for me to start my morning. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I continue to be inspired by the creativity of our fellow quilters. I just finished my top and will get it and the other 6 or so I have waiting for me at the house when we get home.

    Shari in AZ


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