
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pillowcases and Quilts of Valor

 I am starting to feel somewhat caught up, and a tad bit organized. I know - it is probably a VERY short lived feeling, but at the moment I am riding high!!!

I am catching up on posts, and putting things where they belong,. and getting my pictures organized - it is so cool. I have missed reading my *blogs* this last week or two. I have NO idea what all my peeps are up to. ( see how cool I can be if I try LOL)

Anyways the first pillowcases at the top came from Jackie M. She sent them in when she sent her Quilts of Valor too. Thanks Jackie!!

This quilt to the right is from Maureen. She is a part of my Longarm group and is the NICEST lady. She and her friend worked ont this quilt, and Maureen did the quilting. That one will defineatly make a soldier smile!!

 These pillowcases are from an awesome group in Pueblo. The Pride City quilters. I LOVE them. They have made many many pillowcases for this Quilt of Valor project. I so appreciate them!

And last but not least - a picture of a Quilt of Valor presentation. I was so proud to get to this Air Force pilot. He was so tickled to recieve this quilt. He was sort of speechless and he made sure to give us all hugs to pass on to you wonderful people that help provide these quilts to servicemen. So HUGGS to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Alycia, can you forward the QOV recipient picture to Bonnie Hunter? I think that is one of her designs. She would be so proud!


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