
Saturday, June 05, 2010

A Mini Quilt Show

Don't have time to make it to a quilt show today? Well I aim to please - here are some for you to ohh and ahh over!
These first 6 quilts came from California - From Meridith, and they were quilted in New Mexico by Ron O.
Just wonderfully bright quilts with great quilting patterns on them - such a creative collaboration!

This next quilt was made by Fern in CO. It is kind of a quilt as you go quilt - but a strippy one. She explained it to me, and honestly - I still didn't get it - but I love the quilt!
Does that make me stuck in my ways???

These two Bear Paw ( right?) quilts were madeby Sister Sue in superior Colorado. I was told by Sister Mary that if I want to be a part of their family I will have to help with their sewing bees. I volunteered to thread the needles and bring the chocolate!

These last two quilts came from Illinois, from the Northwest Suburban Quilters Guild. They were made by Sue, Debbie, Joan, Cathy, Lori, Heidi, Jeanne and Marcia.

Hope you enjoyed this mini quilt show. All of these are Quilts of Valor and are awesome!!! Thanks Quilters!


  1. Thanks for the mini quilt show, I needed the break.

  2. WOW, lots of pretty quilts received. I just got mine like the very first one back from the longarmer's and I LOVE it! Helped a WEE bit with the stash busting.


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