
Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Happy Day

I was invited to attend a graduation today. And it was very cool. There is a resident PTSD treatment facility and after seven weeks, when the serviceperson is ready to graduate - they hold a graduation for them.
It was COOL... I may have already said that - but I mean it, I cried - it was awesome. It. Was. Cool.
There were three graduates this time, and they all talked about their deployments, and their struggles, and their injuries, and how much progress they have made.
They were honored by their case coordinators, their families and by Quilts of Valor. That was the coolest part for me ( grin) As each man recieved his diploma, they were then presented with a Quilt of Valor.
And then I got hugged! They were just SO tickled to recieve a quilt, and so excited. I met some others who had recieved quilts earlier and they asked me to tell "all you wonderful quilters" how much these quilts mean to them. One gentlemen wanted me to know that every time he snuggles in his quilt it reminds him that someone really does care, and it makes his heart happy. ( he totally got the mission huh?)
So - again Thank you - all of you - who participate in Quilts of Valor in any way. You are angels!


  1. AWW A little teary eyed here!

  2. These are the best stories. Thanks for all you do to get these quilts into the hands of our service men and women.

  3. "One gentlemen wanted me to know that every time he snuggles in his quilt it reminds him that someone really does care, and it makes his heart happy." Oh, he did get the EXACT message I think when I work on a QOV! Yes, it might make me cry. You were so lucky to be there, and we're lucky you can share with us!


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