
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Answering Questions

The First question I get a lot is where do I keep the Quilts ?until they are ready to go to their respective destination. Well - I have been very blessed with a larger workspace... and in one area I have the quilts in boxes and then stacked. I also have a table that has quilts on it that are waiting for me to wash, or label, or pillowcase. Which thankfully is not too many to wash these days - as my water is quite regulated in the summer.
"What do your backs look like? Can you post some?"
Well - they totally vary. Some of the backs are solid colors, some are pieced, a lot are creative. I do take pictures of backs that are unique if I think about it - so here are a few. I also like this way of making backs.
` I think this makes nice backings.

"What do you put on your labels?"
I know the Quilt of Valor website has a lot of ideas, and I have read some really great labels from folks across the U.S. -
This QUILT OF VALOR was created just for you. It is a Gift of Thanks for all you have done. This Quilt is a symbol of Courage. It is given to you in Love and with a Hug.
This is what we start with.
"Why Do we need a Journal and what goes in them?"
Here's the thing - These soldiers really WANT to know who made these quilts for them. They may never send you a Thank you - but they truly want to know WHO did this? And WHY did they do this - these are just amazing tributes. So here's what I put in our journals. Pictures of the process. Many folks have NO CLUE how to make a quilt - here is a teaching moment LOL
I put in any thoughts or reasons why this quilt was made. I am working on "Remembering George" and I will include that it was a pattern designed by Judy L, and made in Honor of my Great Uncle.
Any thank you or info about yourself you think is interesting. And I always include an email address - just in case....
How do you get all this done?
Love this question - because sometimes I don't think I get enough done. But truly - a little bit at a time. Helps that I have to have a son up and out of the house by 5:30 in the morning, and we don't stop until the sun is Waaaay waaaay gone in the sky!
What Kind of Chocolate do you like?
Wait - no one asked this question? well that is just wrong - you should always worry about chocolate first!! ( Dove Dark Chocolate is my favorite)


  1. {{giggle!!}}

    You goofball Alycia! Dove Dark Chocolate,!

    Thanks for sharing your Labeling suggestion; I hadn't known about the "Quilt of Valor" request on each label, but will be sure to include that from now on.

    Happy Wednesday

  2. Paula H.7:08 AM

    I love the chocolate question -- I think most quilters are also chocoholics (or maybe just the ones I know :-)).

    Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. It is always great to learn more about you and what you do. Rest assured -- you're doing a HUGE amount -- far more than so many of the rest of us.

    I have not made a QOV quilt before but have been considering doing one. Now, I will know to look in to it a bit more before starting so that I can put together the "journal", etc. Thanks for making me aware of this.

    Keep us the good work!


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