
Friday, April 30, 2010

Today was an awesome day

Don't you just love awesome days? This one was one - and I can't wait to tell you about it.... later...... (giggle)
Anyways on to awesome quilts! This first one was made by Susan L in Kennebunk ME. I really like the borders that she made up. Very creative!!

Both of these quilts come from Lakeside NE. One was made by Jody M, and the other was made by the Bingham Ladies Fellowship. Jody - thank you for coordinating this! Some day we must meet!!

Sometimes you get a quilt in, and there is No name on it... not on the box, and not on the label. The Return address said Morrison, in ME... so if you are out there - leave a comment and claim this quilt for all to ohh and ahh over!
****Was made by members of Ladies on the Edge of the Sea . Their names are: Judy M, Helen R, Susan S, and Carol B.***** See - I knew someone would help me out!!


This next quilt of valor came from Elaine over at

I love this quilt and am picturing it in SO many color ways with all of my strings! Elaine - Thank you!!

Now - this next picture - I am not saying much about, just let me tell you that it was a part of my awesomly awesome day!!!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. "the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man."

  2. Lori #2 (giggle)

    Okay I will wait til later! LOL

    Great "eye candy" as usual.


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