
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quilters Accountability week 15

I wish I could say I've been sewing a lot - but alas - that will just have to wait till next month. Instead I have been ohhing and ahhing over some GORGEOUS Quilts of Valor for the Warrior games! Wrangler man asked why I just didn't just store them, rather than photograph each one. I was truly shocked at any suggestion of not checking out EACH quilt. I mean - really!!!
I have been asked to be a Celebrity Quilt Judge - can you believe it? Every year Firehouse Quilts has a quilt show to raise funds for their non profit group. They asked if I would come and be a celebrity judge at the show.
You can enter a quilt if you want - and come visit. If anyone comes to Colorado - I will be there on the 16th I think it is, I would love to meet you. And then you can totally laugh at my celebrityness. What do you want to bet - no one knows who I am *giggle*
I am excited though - I think it will be fun!!
Speaking of celebrities - all of my boys entered a quilt in MQX ( in the youth category - and they all took a place!!! 2nd, 3rd, and 5th. Not too bad!!
We had a swim meet this last weekend and my middle son won 3rd place High Point Swimmer.
So it has been a good week all around, other than the no sewing thing. We may have to remedy that this weekend if at all possible!!!


  1. Oooo, a CELEBRITY! I'm very impressed! lol But you ARE a celebrity to all of us AND to all the wounded warriors you do so much work for! And we so appreciate you for your willingness to take on such a HUGE project!! WTG girl! And THANKS!

  2. Such a great post Alycia!
    I don't know where to begin---
    I agree with the viewing of quilts! How could you pass up checking each one out?!!?
    And a quilt judge?? Wooo-hooo! You have a reputable knowledge base of quilts! Have fun.
    And finally, congrats on all your boys' accomplishments :0) Such a great teacher you are :0)

  3. I am impressed, quilt judge, childre with ribions, and the tireing duty of checking out ALL the quilts. LOL

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Does this mean when I finally meet you in person that I am going to have to bow at your feet and fawn all over you? I can bring my camera and take all kinds of stealth pictures of the paperazzi....A real CELEBRITY! Wow!

    Personally though, judging a quilt show would be almost as bad as judging a horse show with all my neighbors kids riding in it....Can you imagine? LOL

    I am so tickled for your boys. You have quite the talented family! I don't in the least bit feel sorry for you having to check out all those quilts. I would do the same....LOL, and the Hunter would say the same thing as Wrangler Man!

    Quilting sure is taking a back seat right now with a lot of us!

    Keep up the great work!


  5. Oh my!!! So many quilts to open and check out. I know you 'fell behind' due to the large number but I haven't seen one I sent about 2 weeks ago - a RWB Kaleidoscope - kinda wild. ???? Hope that it made it to Kersey!


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