
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Show and Tell

All of these are for the Warrior Games as well. I am Loving all of these Quilts of Valor!
This top center one was sent in from Bobbie S in Oregon. Beautiful isn't it? When I was young we used to go to the Rogue River and fish - brought back memories when I saw the address as Oregon!

This Cool Zig Zag quilt come from Liz in Washington. I am totally drawing a blank on her blog at the moment ( not enough caffiene yet) So Liz -help me out!!!

I like this version of a string and Star quilt! What a great way to set the string blocks. It comes from Lynn J in ME.

The waves quilt - which I so admire anyone who can do that curved pieceing comes from Arlyn H in AR.

As well as this Pink Quilt. Arlyn was BUSY!
The quilts are perfect!

And this String Quilt comes from Bobbie W in Gentry, Arkansas ( I think - I wrote down A... and thats it UGH)
I have an affinity for string quilts you know - Love it!!

The last three quilts for this mornings Show and Tell.... come from Pene B in Oregon! I like all of them very much, but I am intrigued with the friendship star one.
I studied it for a long time trying to figure it out!

Thanks Quilters - for all of your hard work! These are wonderful quilts!
Now off to make lunches.....


  1. You're right...that friendship star really draws you in for second look!

  2. They're all lovely but I find the wave one is the one I took a 2nd look at.

  3. Great Quilts! I can't pick a favorite.


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