
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Quilters Accountability 10

This is a very short post- as it is Spring Break for my kids and we are goofing off.... very badly. Today was 65 degrees and we all got sunburned being outside all day. It was WONDERFUL!!
Quilting Quilts of Valor : I got 2 done. So total for this month so far: 5
The baby quilt: .... Whoo hoo - all the strips are sewn, now I just need to cut the blocks out of the strips. The baby doesn't arrive until the end of the month, so I think I should be okay.
Food: We are out ( giggle) I forgot about shopping because we have been playing. My parents stopped by today and brought a fruit and veggie tray. Good thing - cuz we ate it all, along with scrambled eggs for dinner. I guess tomorrow we had better get to the store.
Exercise: My children are grounded - for life! Friday nite we had a Wii Boxing tournament. My oldest knocked me out - TWICE... so he is grounded. Yesterday my other two played raquetball with me, they killed me.... they are grounded too. Grounded from what - we don't know, but it sounded good at the time.
That's all I have... Boxes have started arriving, so I hope you will keep checking back to see what wonderful creations are being made for our soldiers.


  1. You are so funny! Sounds like you (and the kids) are having a wonderful week! Enjoy the warm weather!

  2. LOL I always end up on my duff with that boxing!

    Enjoy the warm weather. NY was warmer than Florida today!


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