
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jerry Bear

This is our friend Bear. Jerry has been a constant friend to my Mom and Dad and to my family. He has the biggest heart in the whole wide world, he always helped others. Everything the man did truly was done in love, and with the Love of Jesus behind it.
Sadly, Jerry passed away on Saturday, of course he was doing what he loved, driving a snowcat back in the mountains. Apparently he stepped out of the cat, and into heaven.
Today was Jerrys funeral. They expected 500 people, they set 600 chairs, it was still standing room only. The man knew no stranger,
and literally knew everyone from Casper WY to Denver CO.

One man got up and talked about coming to Colorado and he had no food for his family. They were just barely hanging on. He then met Jerry. Jerry brought him a truckload of beef, and a freezer to store it in. I wish I could remember all the words - it was an amazing story.
He was constantly helping people, whether it be physical labor, or fixing tractors, helping with neccessities, or just smiling when you need it!
These pictures are of us at a Bronco game just a month or two ago. We had such a good time. He was always quick to laugh, enjoyed everything, found the best in all situations. There is a large hole to fill in this world without him here.
My favorite thing about Jerry was he always told me it was about time I gained some weight. He always told me he was worried that I was getting too skinny, so I should eat more. Ya know, ya just gotta love a man like that. He will truly be missed, and I am so sad that it was his time.
If you could, say a prayer for his wife, sons and grandkids. It is going to be a rough Christmas with out Bear around.


  1. What a a lovely tribute to a great man!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Oh, Alycia, I am so sorry. What a wonderful man! My prayers are with his family and all those whose lives he touched.


  3. Yes, his family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry for your loss.

  4. Alycia, I'm sorry for the loss of you friend "Bear". But what a tribute to him, having that many people come to celebrate his life. Hold the memories of him close, those you will never lose. A prayer of comfort going up for you and his family.

  5. So sorry to read of the passing of your friend. But what a wonderful tribute and legacy!


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