
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

Today is the day to remember and honor those who haved served in our Armed Forces. Please - Thank a Vet Today.

I can not think of a better way to Honor a Veteran than to make a Quilt - not just any quilt - a Quilt of Valor....
Many, Many of you already participate in Quilts of Valor ( but for those of you who don't - let me give you a little background.
Quilts of Valor is an awesome organization of Quilters making quilts for soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. They also go to Vietnam Vets, and WWII Vets. These quilts represent Honor, Courage, and are a Hug from a grateful nation. These quilts provide a tangible, physical proof that a soldier is loved.

I have seen first hand how much these quilts mean to our soldiers. I have heard the stories, seen the amazement, and watched the smile come as a soldier realizes that somebody besides Mom and Dad care about me.

I have heard feedback from the Chaplains, the Lieutenants, and the Majors that work with these soldiers - that the Quilts DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in their healing process. I have seen the awe on soldiers faces at the beauty of a quilt.

Today there are so many wounded ( I used to have the exact number but lost it along the way), and approximately 25,000 quilts have been handed out. I can tell you, this does not cover the many soldiers who NEED a quilt.


Just think - if every quilter in America made 1 Quilt of Valor how many more soldiers would feel the love a quilt can give.


I know many of you have been organizing, cleaning or just looking thru your quilting supplies. Many have found tops, quilts that need to be bound, blocks that could be assembled - well here is your opportunity to get them into the hands of a soldier....
Here is how Quilts of Valor works:

You - the quilt topper - provides a top (Minimum size 50 x 60, Maximum 72 x 90) and backing that is 6 inches bigger than the top. When it is ready you can request a Long Arm quilter thru QOV ( this is free). (The website is under maintenence right now - but I have all the emails addy you will need.... I can help. grin)

You mail the top and back to the LA'er - they add the batting and the quilting. Based on the agreement between you and your quilter - either they will finish the binding then ask for a destination - or they will send it back to you for binding.

Regardless when the quilt is finished you make a pillowcase

then go to and request a destination. ( again I have the emails if the site is not quite ready)

This last school year my 5th grade quilters had been challenged to bring 100 Quilts of Valor to the Chaplain on post. We asked how many wounded soldiers there were and were first told 400, then 700. Combined with the quilts we made and with the help if many many many wonderful quilters, and Long armers we had a quilt for each and every wounded soldier in the Warriors in Transition unit. NO SOLDIER WAS FORGOTTEN.

The unit leaders and Chaplains are wanting this to happen again. I have not been given a number yet - but many wonderful quilters have been helping us prepare for the next delivery. The 5th grade class of this year have been sewing regularly.


Wouldn't it be cool to cover each wounded soldier in America? I know that I am not the only one out there with a QOV project. Mine is Colorado, but there is Rita in IL, Marsha in MN, Julia in NE, Barb in Southern Cal, Gail in Northern Cal, June in WA - there are soldiers everywhere - so please - today - won't you consider making one Quilt of Valor this year?
If you have question, feel free to email me. If you want to hook up with some of the groups I can probably help you out. If you want to know how you can get involved in lots of ways - let me know.
Please do be patient with me though(grin)
Enjoy your day... off to quilt!


  1. Can you give me the information for the lady in N. California? I am working on a quilt for a friend's cousin who was injured in Iraq. I am hoping to get it done today and in the mail by the weekend. Thanks for all you do and continue to do for our soldiers.

  2. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ11:02 AM

    Alycia, thank you for all you have done for the soldiers. I am so pleased to be a part of your NO SOLDIER FORGOTTEN project. I have 3 quilts almost ready to be put in the mail and sent to you - just need to put the labels on. I have decided that today is a great day to work on another QOV. Thank you for the reminder!

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate Veteran's Day. Keep up the good work.

  4. Awesome, Alycia! Thanks so much for what you do to get these soldiers their quilts!


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