
Monday, November 16, 2009


Wanna hear something cool?

And I didn't even have to bribe anyone....

Hope you all had a great day. Mine was good to the end - then we drove home from swim practice in FOG!! a 30 minute drive took about 50... we were pooped.... and we even went home the most civilized way, the highway and lights way... didn't help!


  1. Alycia! OMGOODNESS! I loved hearing the boys talk about sewing and most of all how they felt about presenting the quilts! They sounded so grown up. :;sniff sniff:: thanks for posting the link to the podcast!

  2. You have three wonderful children! I know that they will continue to be caring even into adulthood. :o)

  3. It was great to hear their point of view. You must be so proud of them.

  4. Congratulations! That WAS cool!!

  5. Thanks for sharing this with us. It's so fun that they think sewing quilts is cool, and so touching that they understand the importance of why they're doing it.

  6. Thanks for sharing! They are amazing. You must be so proud of them. I'll bet they think this was pretty cool. Good for them! Keep up the good work guys!

  7. Finally got a chance to listen to this--your boys are so cool, Alycia! Such presence and composure in an interview, too!

    Nice work, guys!


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