
Monday, September 21, 2009

Quilts of Valor Quilted

I got some great quilting time in ... and finished up these Three Quilts of Valor. My Mom and I were shopping in Cheyenne and they had a Block of the month pattern that she really liked. So she bought it and put it into this quilt top.
You'll have to excuse the sun. We tried to block it but weren't tall enough to get it!
The Next Quilt was made by the 4, 5 and 6 year old Wed, Night Kids Club. They colored and colored and wrote letters to go with it. Turned out Very very cute!.

This last quilt was made by Mary in my Guild. It is a Buggy Barn Pattern. She taught it as a class as well - they turn out so great! I had fun quilting it too - kind of played with the stars.
You know, as I was driving around today I had all these great blog posts running thru my head.. all these great things to say.. and observations - and now that it is evening, and I am tucking 2 kids into bed, I can't think of a thing I was thinking at that time. So I guess that you will just have to know that sometimes I really do think, it just doesn't come out on paper....
And I know that I had some questions from folks to answer - but now I can't remember the questions ( or the answers for that matter!).
So I hope you all have a great evening, wonderful day, and a good memory!!


  1. Hi Alycia,
    These quilts are beautiful and you did a wonderful job with the quilting. I especially love the one done by the children. That is so precious. May I ask what did they color/draw with? Will the color come off after washing?


  2. I think you are the most productive person I know!


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