
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A Kids Creation

My Mom and Dad taught the Wednesday Night Kids church and for their art project they colored blocks. Two of the ladies then sewed them into this top - and now I quilted it. The kids did a great job.
Each kid signed their block and included thier age on it. I thought that was really neat, that way the soldiers can know that even the littlest ones care about them.
Hope you all are having a good one. Did you know that this weekend is Labor Day Weekend? Any exciting plans? Wrangler man says we are pulling weeds.... I wonder if a Quilt Shop could call to me again?? I could leave at precisely the time he decides to make me work ;-)


  1. This quilt is going to melt hearts!

  2. What's your number?? I will call you at the appointed time for an urgent errand you must run precisely at that moment!! ROFL!!

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    That quilt is so wonderful!

  4. Grace3:32 PM

    Hi Alycia, these blocks are lovely and a wonderful idea. May I ask what did the kids use to draw with? Are they crayons? are they washable? Thanks.


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