
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Miracles Quilts of Valor

My friend Jess works at a place called Miracles. She teaches quilting, and gets lots of people involved. Most of the ladies that she works with have never sewn before. She helps find the fabrics, and teaches them from start to finish. I have visited her a few times and most of the ladies seem to be in the 18-35 age range. ( Jess if I am wrong - sorry)
These two quilts were made by them and my sweet quilter friend Cathie in Utah quilted them up for us. She did a beautiful job.

The quilt to the right - with the person in it, was delivered to the Cheyenne VA for a special soldier who returned from Iraq. I somehow got hooked up with the Liason there and we talked. They are pretty well taken care of by some Wyoming quilters. That totally made me proud - that we are taking care of so many soldiers! Anyways this was the quilt I chose to deliver up there and it was a quilt made by Miracles ladies too.

I had an angel on my shoulder today. We had to go to town for an orthodontist appt, and on the way stopped in my small town at the Post Office. My car seemed to be driving fine. As we were stopped at the stop light ( you need to know this is THE ONLY stoplight) the man behind me honked and got out. He ran up and said your tire is flat. I thought I had left the trunk open. But he was right - the tire was dead flat. Sweet people in our small town - backed up so I could flip a U and get into the gas station to air up the tire. Had it not been for him I probably would have driven the 20 miles on a flat tire. Instead we fixed it and were back on our way.
Hope you all have a good one... and that you are cutting up your strips and squares....


  1. I drove over 100 miles on a flat once and didn't notice! Steel belted radials rock!

  2. You are indeed very fortunate.

    Last June, I ran over something near Ft. Collins and by the time I got to E-470 the car was driving funny. I had been traveling 70 - 75 mph all the way, and the tire was shot. I could easily have lost control of the car and hurt someone. I felt like I had a guardian angel that day, too.

  3. Anonymous5:54 AM

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