
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Quilt of Valor's in soldiers Hands

There were smiles all around. And a line forming to get their quilt!

I have heard back from some of the coordinators in the Company. They still can not believe that people care enough to comfort their soldiers. And that we did not pick and choose which soldier was deserving of a quilt.
Now you know that it was raining/drizzling that day. And the ground was wet. NONE of them wanted to get their quilts wet. They were very respectful of them!

These two were helping - they were surprised that a few quilts could weigh as much as they did. Made me feel good, I wasn't as wimpy as I thought I was.
Hope you all have a good day. Mine is quiet - all the boys are at a basketball thing, and I have the house to myself. It is quite strange actually.
But I am off to sew and watch a girlie movie - one I know that no one else would appreciate watching.


  1. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Alycia, thanks so much for continuing to share these photos and your deliveries with us. It is wonderful to see the smiles and appreciation!
    Thanks, Bari

  2. I haven't been able to check blogs regularly recently, so it was lovely to catch up with your quilt delivery stories today. What a FANTASTIC feeling it must be to know that all those wonderful quilts are now with people who needed a quilty hug. Congrats to you and all involved :)


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